You Are The….

Saturday is one of my favorite days!! I usually can sneak away into my craft room for an hour or so to create. My son usually sneaks in there with me pulling some of his toys from his toy room next door, and takes up camp in my craft room with me. We usually take a break from our playing, him with his toys and me with my papercrafting, to read a book he pulls off the bookshelf. I cherish these moments because I know very soon he will outgrow this phase.

Today I was working on the most recent sketch from Freshly Made Sketches.

Here is my rendition:

CTMH: Lollydoodle Created by Kelly Janes

Using Slate Cardstock for the base, I added a layer of Lollydoodle B&T. The sentiment is from the Lollydoodle Workshop On The Go™ Cardmaking Kit stamped in Slate Exclusive Ink™ and Hollyhock Exclusive Ink™.  Have you heard the news? CTMH has added dry embossing folders, including a chevron design, to their great products!! I am patiently awaiting my next CTMH order to arrive on my doorstep that contains the NEW embossing folders, but until it arrives I used a Lifestyles Craft dry embossing folder on a layer of Lagoon Cardstock. I also added two strips of Black & Grey Glitter Paper to this card. To finish the card I added a few Aqua Dots!

CTMH: Lollydoodle Created by Kelly Janes

  This is one of my favorite sentiments in the entire Spring/Summer 2014 Idea Book, and this card is also linked to the Heart 2 Heart Challenge: Love.


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